

How GroupRM Can Help Airlines Modernize Their Group Booking Process 

In recent years, airlines have increasingly embraced customer-centricity with dynamic and personalized offers.  However, airlines are struggling to transition to the modern retailing landscape, especially with group bookings, due to an overreliance on legacy systems.  Legacy Group Bookings— Airlines’ One-Way Ticket to Revenue Leakage and Poor Customer Experience Typically, group bookings are made by customers […]

How GroupRM Can Help Airlines Modernize Their Group Booking Process  Read More »


How Airlines Can Reduce Distribution Costs And Win More Corporate Customers With A Next-Gen Direct Booking System

Over the last few months, corporate travelers have increasingly been taking to the skies in numbers that aren’t that far from pre-pandemic highs.  The Wall Street Journal notes a steady uptick in corporate travel transactions since early 2022, especially from small and medium-sized businesses. Notably, the demand for corporate travel shows no signs of slowing down, presenting

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How Airlines Can Bolster Group Booking Revenue By Providing A Compelling Shopping Experience

Every group request that reaches the airline sales desk is unique, but they all must go through the same gruelling and manual process to get their tickets confirmed.  What ensues is countless hours wasted for the airline and the customers, both retail and travel agents, who end up choosing another airline. About 81% of passengers

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Reinventing Series Booking For Airlines Through Automation

For airlines looking to increase operating revenue and get consistent business, series bookings from travel agents have emerged as a source of delight. Now, what are series bookings? Essentially, if a travel agent or tour operator wants 20 tickets from London to Spain every Saturday for the entirety of the football season, it is considered

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3 Tips For Exceptional Group Sales Experience That Retains More Passengers

Airlines have their work cut out as people worldwide make frenzied travel plans to shake off the misery of the pandemic-induced lockdowns. To benefit from the burgeoning demand for group travel, airlines need to digitize and make the entire process of group booking and pricing pain-free.  This means that the days of customers emailing the

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How Automated Group Revenue Management Can Fuel Airline Recovery

Airlines are increasingly flooded with group booking requests, and there is every reason to believe these valuable revenue-generating opportunities are squandered. All thanks to legacy systems that include an outdated help desk and an overburdened revenue management team. The group revenue management process is among the last areas airlines are yet to optimize by leveraging

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Airline’s Recovery Path To Profitability After The Pandemic – Reduced Distribution Cost And Increased Ancillary Revenue

After months of lockdowns and travel curbs, the aviation sector is on the path to recovery, but profitability seems to be out of reach for many airlines. Airlines are especially finding it hard to fill seats due to many passengers’ hesitancy to board flights (only 61% of passengers are comfortable flying in the next six

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Who Should Control The Group Sales For An Airline – Sales Or Revenue Management?

Whenever a request comes in for a group booking, it is common to find sales and revenue management at loggerheads.   Airlines generally handle group bookings manually, and in the process, confusion breaks out over whether the group’s accommodation on their preferred flight is in alignment with the airline’s revenue maximization efforts.  Another conflict that

Who Should Control The Group Sales For An Airline – Sales Or Revenue Management? Read More »

Check-In Counter of An Airline - A Blog Banner for the Future of Customer Segmentation

Customer Segmented Distribution – The Future Of Airline Distribution

For airlines around the world, developing a comprehensive, 360-degree view of their customers is vital. As the travel industry limps back to normal after a couple of years of travel curbs, airlines will benefit massively if they can figure out what triggers an individual’s purchasing decisions.  To do this, and turn customers into assets, airlines

Customer Segmented Distribution – The Future Of Airline Distribution Read More »

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